I was the subject teacher for the following courses from
1984 to 2021 on Szent István University
(in English only)
(For Hungarian language subjects, see my Hungarian page).

PhD (doctory) level

Doctoral School SUBJECT Theory + practice
Doctoral School of Biology
Doctoral School of Plant Sciences
Analytical Biochemistry (SDIBTD038) 2 + 1

BSc and MSc level
On average 15-20 hours/week, Hungarian and English (lecture + practice)!

Organic Chemsitry (SMKKB2053KN)
Organic and Biochemistry (SMKKB4011CN)
Biochemistry (SMKKB4011BE)
Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry (SMKKB4021MN)

Consulting tasks

1990             TDK thesis, Felföldi Ferenc: Cellulase system of a cellulose-degrading bacterium isolated from soil
1990             TDK Conference in Gödöllő (Ferenc Felföldi, 1st place)
1991             Szarvas OTDK Conference (Ferenc Felföldi, special prize)
1991             Diploma thesis (Ferenc Felföldi: Cellulase system of Cellulomonas sp. isolated from soil)
1993             Patent: Cellulomonas sp. CelB2 NCAIM {P} B 001203 (Felföldi & Fülöp)
1993             Patent: Cellulomonas sp. CelB7 NCAIM {P} B 001204 (Fülöp & Felföldi)
2005-2007     3D models of hydrolases - mainly O-glycosyl hydrolases
                     comparative analysis (PhD supervisor, Péter Róka, BDI)
2010-2011     Possibilities of the use of acacia
                    (PhD supervisor, Szandra Dobrányi, BDI)
2012             The incidence of some types of mucopolysaccharidosis enzyme-deficient state
                    examination by tandem mass spectrometry method
                    (MSc environmental engineering thesis, Judit Wittmann)
2013             Development of a method for the neutral lipid content of oil-producing
                    microalgal strains (Kakucska Geeorgina dipéomamunka, MSc chemist, Pécs),
                    Level Award of the Association of Hungarian Chemists
2013             Modeling the binding of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its derivatives
                    on montmorillonite clay mineral (BSc thesis, János Ecker)
2014             Effects of different agents on plant growth and metabolism
                     processes (BSc thesis, Hatos Henrietta)
2014             Modeling the binding of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its derivatives
                     montmorillonite on clay mineral (TDK paper, János Ecker, BDI)
2016-2020     Modeling the effect of bioactive substances (PhD supervisor, János Ecker)
2022             Interactions between extracellular enzymes and bioactive substances
                    modeling (János Ecker PhD defence, summa cum laude, Doctoral School of Biology)