Summary of publications and citations

Cumulative IF:* 48,2 (15,1)
Personal IF:** 17,5 (9,2)
Personal IF/Cumulative IF: 36,4%
Independent references: 473 (85,6%)
All references: 552

First author: 25%; Corresponding author: 58%
* Cumulative IF = Σ [journal IF]
** Personal IF: Σ [journal IF/number of authors]
articles written as unemployed

Academic database: MTMT ID: 29127; MTAID: 10028145

Education ID: 72134536862

Hungarian Doctoral Council: ODT

ORCID: 0000-0002-5827-881X

Web of Science ResearcherID: F-8290-2016

Scopus: 7004042800      PubMed: 32765969

ResearchGate      Google Scholar: u3FmAoUAAAAJ